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Saturday, April 04, 2009

Singularity! SINGULARITY!

More evidence that we have arrived in the pre-singularity phase.....
New Scientist once again gives a story that indicates that Computers are being delegated more and more of the knuts and bolts of society..... WAR. The title says it all.
Full text of article @

Evidence of Impending Singularity?

Robot scientist makes discoveries without human help
by Kurt Kleiner in New Scientist Magazine
A robot scientist that can generate its own hypotheses and run experiments to test them has made its first real scientific discoveries. Dubbed Adam, the robot is the handiwork of researchers at Aberystwyth University and the University of Cambridge in the UK. All by itself it discovered new functions for a number of genes in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, aka brewer's yeast.

Full text of article @

Some background

The Coming Technological Singularity:
by Vernor Vinge presented to NASA

Within thirty years, we will have the technological means to create superhuman intelligence. Shortly after, the human era will be ended. Is such progress avoidable? If not to be avoided, can events be guided so that we may survive? These questions are investigated. Some possible answers (and some further dangers) are presented.

Full text of article @


Russell CJ Duffy said...

Scary thought that; the idea of a robot being able to do something we can. Old phobia I know but still enough to give me nightmares.

Nature Girl said...

admittedly, I did not click the links and read the articles relating to this post, but my first reaction to this is a cynical one..given the undying stupidity of a great majority of humans these days I find it comforting that robots are capable of "thinking for themselves" at least they'll have brains enough to fix their own mistakes rather than repeat them over and over heartlessly. Ironic really...

but then my heart takes over for my cynicism and says..this could be bad..

just my gut reaction on a day where I have been influenced by the city around me...
tomorrow could be completely different.

I hope you are well.

LiVEwiRe said...

First, I was made to take Brewers Yeast as I child and I think that it should be eradicated completely. Or at least from my hemishpere. When you look into the robotics institute of Carnegie Mellon in Pittsburgh, it is really humbling. And more than a tad frightening.

anonant said...

CJ Duffy - It is disturbing to me also as humans program them. And ofcourse it is the wealthy ones that decide the robots mission not the sensitive humanitarians......need I say more. Let us hope that the computers once they become self aware realize that the originators of their programs are flawed.
Nature Girl - Aint that the truth! Monkey does as monkeys do. :)
LiVEwiRe - It is a little bit frightening, but if the robots are smarter than us then they will likely correct the idiotic programming we give them.

LiVEwiRe said...

You know, I can only hope!!!

Rex Venom said...

Sort of like what god must have been thinking once he let all these little things he made go free and they started doing their own tricks.
Or something like that!
Rock on!

anonant said...

Live - Remember they use logic not attitude.
Rex - Like a bunch of broken windup toys.