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Tuesday, October 24, 2006


What was
What is
What will be
We are losing
Than we
Can make it
And I am
Not so sure
we can bake it
Having lost
The recipe

Losing history faster than we make it on first utterance was nothing more than a odd quirky phrase thrown out in idle conversation with fellow students. I found myself silent for the rest of the meeting, hearing it over and over in my head. After I returned home I was greeted by the Tony Snow Show and his current spinnification of the days of our lives here in the states. What is a poor boy to do? The more I study the more worried I become. I would love to write a beautiful fiction or a compelling line or two in an otherwise bland peice of prose or poetry, but I instead I find only phrases that seem to point out errors in our societal programming.

Here is a prayer I find my otherwise atheist soul emoting:
If you are listening God,
Show a sign,
To give me hope
That we will
See the light of reason
And act compassionatly
With good intention
Towards all life on Earth.

Friday, October 06, 2006

Amphetamine Wide Awake
A city,
Of human anger, with,
It’s tightly,
Of containerized pretty people,
To be disgorged only,
At some specific,
Edifice of concrete and glass,
The lesser beings,
On bikes,
Smoking motors,
And bag ladies pushing their carts.

A city,
Of human frailty,
With it’s,
Angst thinned skin,
It’s velvet scary,
Occam’s logic,
It’s hunger,
For something,
In cacophony’s,

Thnx {I} for the title