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Friday, September 15, 2006

In responce to Rape

How did it come to this?
We loved so true dear,
but with every passing day,
week, month, and year
a little peice a you disappeared from my heart.
Or did my heart grow smaller in some way?
I hurt you to hurt me to hurt you to hurt me,
and this isnt how it was supposed to be,
I have gone too far to find redemtion,
and couldnt take it anyway,
I hurt you to hurt me to hurt you to hurt me

I wrote this in responce to a friends story of rape.
The lines I hurt you to hurt me just keep coming back to me.
What is it that makes us break beautiful things?
It hurts me to think of taking like this, doesnt it hurt you?
Are the biologists correct that altuism and conscience are self-eleminating?
God damn us each and every one if this is true!


LiVEwiRe said...

Sometimes people have a way of doing this self-sabotage thing. You don't realize it at the time, but you can hurt others to get the equal response in return. Why do we break beautiful things? Sometimes we feel we don't deserve them, and in the cruelest way, we hurt them, and in the end ourselves, to illustrate that point. The human mind can be a very dark place.

anonant said...

Livewire - I'm not worthy, not worthy, nat worthy :) This is so true. thnx for the post.

{illyria} said...

i so agree with livewire. it hurts to be at the receiving end, and you have to be careful that you don't be consumed by bitterness and do the same to somebody more vulnerable.

anonant said...

{I} - What is it that with its absence places us on that road of broken glass and vineger that is bitterness. Thnx for the post. Chin up.

bismuth said...

there's no other act that robs another person of dignity than rape. i salute all those who rise above it and persist on not living a life around it.

anonant said...

Bismuth - here here What was it Timothy Leary said, "if any member of a society is injured the entire society is injured." Let us think healing thoughts.
Thnx for the post

Chas said...

Some survivors do self-harm as a way of releasing the pain that we feel inside. Anonant u are worthy of good things!! It may not seem that way all the time, but u are! Don't lose hope, & faith, most importantly don't lose urself. It's hard I know. But everyday we are dealing with this we are getting stronger. Remember that u are a warrior anonant! Don't let the horribles win, take it all back.

anonant said...

chas - The horrible haven't a chance against me and my army. thnx for the post.

Enemy of the Republic said...

Bismuth makes an excellent point. This was a hard poem to read. But it was good, very good. And all too true.

anonant said...

Enemy - The line, "I hurt you to hurt me to hurt you to hurt me" hurt after I wrote it. Thnx for the post