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Wednesday, November 09, 2005

On the lack of inspiration

My head is empty of ideas.
There are no warm phrases to light my way to the next sentence.

I find no angst stuck to my shoe
no humor bubbling on up and through

I find no message
that calls out for use
the ryme and reason
is out of season
everthing feels loose

I wonder
when I can feel to write
where does it comes from
and where does it go

I like to feel
to write
with warmth, with phrases that light the way to the next sentence.


anonant said...

What the heck do you do when inspiration is absent?
I mourn the missing element what ever that might be.
Any suggestions from those of you that can see.

SafeTinspector said...

Some people use exercizes. That way you aren't waiting for inspiration, but using it like a muscle.
Circle of sevens is something I use when I feel blocked.

Write an idea in a circle. Draw seven circles around the first and in each circle write three ideas that free assiciate off of the first idea.

Then write seven circles around each of those circles and write three ideas in each.

Now, pick one idea from each outer circle at random and write them together.
Attach them to one another and then begin writing about the result.

There are other exercizes, but this is the one I like the best.

Now if only there were an exercize like this for composing piano pieces! :)

SafeTinspector said...

P.S.: Were you the one that commented on my Aquinas / Pascal essay? I couldn't follow the link to the profile, but the name looked similar. I was, however, able to follow the link to your profile from Norway on a Bicycle...

Anonymous said...

'everthing feels loose'

Expand further on that thought and write what comes.

Who knows. Just hope it doesn't end in a bowel movement though. ;)

anonant said...

I tried it out thank you it does force the thoughts in a direction.
Me thinks my problem is with "shit" and if it comes out it will feel good.

Russell CJ Duffy said...

As my wife always says, don't force it.
But seriously, just write down what ever shit comes. Keep it and then discard it later if you want to.
Just keep writing.

{illyria} said...

cj is right, anonant. the only cure to writer's block is writing. write about anything. and keep reading around and listening to music. it helps.