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Monday, February 11, 2008

On beauty and posterity

I would write a poem to beauty
a soul is of the surface
life is much more magical
and comical and tragical
The hope
when we are gray
and youth has gone it's way
the mirror will tell a tale
of a fully balanced scale
on skin lines of truth
not scars of lost youth
Aging is not a slow bleed but a ripening.


{illyria} said...

i love the last line. :)

though "comical and tragical" is a close second.

Russell CJ Duffy said...

in that case i must be very ripe indeed!

anonant said...

Illyria - We should always remember that wonderful wordsmith no wordwright (right?) Shakespeare, thanks for the post, I have been scattered to the four elements and have not been bleeding myself at the keyboard as I should.

Cocaine Jesus - Thanks for the visit, I have been lurking a bit at whispering Grass, I love it man.

peace all

Russell CJ Duffy said...

thanks for the visit to whispering grass. it is now finished but i am very proud of it. see my final post when you get a chance. it kind of explains what i was trying to do.
also, if you get the time, pop into my Fekenham Swarberry site. it is where i now am to be found.

c.j. duffy

Nature Girl said...

Thank you for the visit. I loved this, it really spoke to me actually...some things I've been wrestling with recently were present here. I do so miss your photography as well! I'll be back.